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What We Believe

What God’s Word Says and What We Believe


It is so important that what we believe be based totally on the Word of God which is without error (II Timothy 3:16-17).  We believe that Christ's Church is made up of those who know Him personally. The Bible uses terms such as, Saved, Born-Again, Regenerated, etc., to describe this relationship (John 3:3). 


We believe that those who have received Christ should follow Christ in baptism as a born-again Believer. This is not for salvation, but an act of obedience to our Lord's command and to publicly identify with His death, burial, and resurrection. The definition of Baptism is to dip, immerse, or cover completely as pictured in Romans 6. While we believe in "infant dedication", there is no record of "infant baptism" in Scripture. We believe in the observance of the Lord's Supper for His Disciples. As often as we observe it we do it in remembrance of Him (1 Corinthians 11).


We believe in both a private and public prayer and devotional life. Prayer is simply us speaking to Him, and poring over His Word is simply allowing Him to speak to us (II Timothy 2:15). We believe in seeking to live a separate life-style.  While Believers are to live in the world, we are not be of the world.  Christ should make a difference in how we live (Romans 12:1-2). 


We believe in a literal Heaven and a literal Hell. Heaven is the home for eternity to those who are in Christ.  Hell is the eternal punishment for those who have rejected Christ.  Immediately following physical death, or the return of the Lord, you will have either Heaven or Hell as you eternal home (Luke 16:19-31).


We believe that the Lord's work is to be funded the Lord's way.  God's people bringing Him the first fruits, the tenth, the tithe, of what He has blessed us with.  We are to give cheerfully and consistently. We bring it to the Lord rather than send someone to collect it.  A love offering is that which is given over and above God's tenth (Genesis 28:22, Malachi 3:8-10, Luke 16:10-13, II Corinthians 9:6-8).


We believe in the Genesis account of creation, the fall of mankind in the Garden through sin, and that the way back to God the Father is through Jesus the Son having been led by the Holy Spirit.


We believe Christ is literally coming again. In the air for His Church, (I Thess. 4) and to the earth with His Church (Revelation 19). 


We believe in Christ's virgin birth, sinless life, substitutionary death (He died in my place) bodily resurrection, and soon coming return. 


To these we commit ourselves, as Believers in The Country Church.


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The Country Church Meeting Location: 1005 W. FM 78 Marion, Texas 78124  | Sitemap  |  Contact Us
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