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Visiting For First Time


What should I wear?

At The Country Church, our focus is on worshiping Christ, not on your apparel.Many people attend dressed “country casual”.  Boots ‘n jeans are welcomed.


What is your worship like?

Worship service is at 10:30am on Sunday mornings. Whenever we gather for corporate worship, we endeavor to give priority to a vertical focus. Our aim is to exalt God and experience God as He has revealed Himself to be in the Scriptures.

While “country-styled music” may be our primary musical expression, we do not value stylistic narrowness. We believe that there is great value in recounting the historic hymns of the church. We also believe that every "old" song was once a "new" song, so we will seek to also be culturally relevant musically.


How is The Country Church Financially Supported?

Tithes and Love Offerings are given by members. Visitors are here without financial responsibility or accountability.


What programs do you offer for children during worship service?

We offer nursery care during all services for children ages 2 and under.  Simply go to the nursery in the children’s before each service, and the attendants will help you register your child. 


During the 10:30 am service on Sundays, children’s church is provided for children through the 2nd grade. 


I'd like to talk more about what I heard during this service. Who can I talk to?

We'd love to talk to you!  We stand ready to minister to you and answer any questions or needs you may have. After the service, feel free to approach the pastor or staff. During the week, if you would like to schedule a time to talk with a pastor or staff, please call the office at 830.914.4749 to schedule a meeting or you may contact us here.


How Can I Be A Part?

One, be sure you are saved. (Whether The Country Church is part of God's plan for you or not!).  If you are not, why not pray something like this:


Dear Jesus I realize that I'm a sinner. 

I ask you to come into my heart and save me.

Dear Jesus I thank you for saving me.


Two, go public with your profession. During the invitation time, share your decision with the Pastor. Follow the Lord's command and identify with Christ's death, burial and resurrection by Scriptural baptism as a Believer. Or, if the above has happened to you, come by Statement or a Letter from a church of like faith or order.


Financial Peace Tuesday, Sep 24 @ 6:30 PM
Guadalupe County 4H - Livestock Judging Saturday, Sep 28 @ 6:00 AM
Financial Peace Tuesday, Oct 1 @ 6:30 PM
The Country Church Meeting Location: 1005 W. FM 78 Marion, Texas 78124  | Sitemap  |  Contact Us
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